1. Signaling Pathways
  2. GPCR/G Protein
    Neuronal Signaling
  3. Olfactory Receptor

Olfactory Receptor (嗅觉受体)

Olfactory Receptor

嗅觉受体 (Olfactory Receptors, ORs) 是位于鼻腔嗅觉上皮的一类 G蛋白偶联受体 (GPCRs),属于 GPCRs 中的 A 类,具有七个跨膜螺旋结构,主要负责检测气味分子,这些受体通过引发 G 蛋白活化和 cAMP 的产生,触发一系列信号传递事件,导致嗅觉神经元产生电信号,这些信号最终被大脑解读为特定气味。人类编码约 400 种嗅觉受体,分为两大亚家族:Class I 嗅觉受体和 Class II 嗅觉受体。
嗅觉受体在多种疾病中发挥作用,包括嗅觉丧失或障碍 (如感冒或鼻炎可能导致暂时性嗅觉丧失)、代谢性疾病 (研究显示某些嗅觉受体在糖尿病和肥胖症的糖代谢调控中发挥作用),以及癌症 (嗅觉受体的异常表达与多种癌症的发展相关,例如前列腺癌和乳腺癌)。这些研究不仅提供了关于嗅觉系统功能的深入理解,还可能为研究相关疾病提供新的策略[1]

Olfactory receptors (ORs) are a class of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) located in the nasal olfactory epithelium, belonging to class A of GPCRs with seven transmembrane helix structures, primarily responsible for detecting odor molecules. These receptors initiate a series of signal transduction events by activating G proteins and generating cAMP, leading to the production of electrical signals in olfactory neurons, which are ultimately interpreted as specific smells by the brain. Humans encode about 400 types of olfactory receptors, divided into two major subfamilies: Class I and Class II olfactory receptors.
Olfactory receptors play roles in various diseases, including olfactory loss or disorders (such as temporary olfactory loss caused by colds or rhinitis), metabolic diseases (studies have shown that some olfactory receptors regulate glucose metabolism in diabetes and obesity), and cancer (abnormal expression of olfactory receptors is related to the development of various cancers, such as prostate cancer and breast cancer). These studies not only provide a deep understanding of the functions of the olfactory system but may also offer new strategies for researching related diseases[1].

Olfactory Receptor 相关产品 (2):

Cat. No. Product Name Effect Purity Chemical Structure
  • HY-31962
    Bourgeonal Agonist
    Bourgeonal 是 hOR17-4 的强效激动剂,在精子行为测定中起着强效化学引诱剂的作用。
  • HY-121787
    OX1a Antagonist
    OX1a (OLC20)是一种Orco拮抗剂,具有抑制氧味受体(OR)激活的非竞争性活性。OX1a能够通过竞争性抑制Orco激动剂的作用,从而减少OR的激活。OX1a还显示出对气味分子的非竞争性抑制能力,可能影响昆虫的嗅觉介导行为。通过结构优化,OX1a的类似物展示了更高的拮抗效力,表明这类化合物在广泛的昆虫种类中可能具有应用潜力。